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Megan Caleo, all healing treatments and services provided by Lemura Soul & any information pertaining to the services, treatments and modalities offered within, is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prescribe.

The information contained herein is in no way to be considered as a substitute for consultation with a licensed health care practitioner.

Please consult with your medical advisor for your health concerns prior to treatments.

Never disregard professional medical advice or treatment prior to alternative health modalities.

Reliance of any information provided by Megan Caleo & Lemura Soul appearing on this site via invitation or through organic nature, is acknowledged and understood at your own risk, understanding that the above medical precaution for any condition, ailment or health concern, must be first addressed by a licensed health practitioner. 


Healing & medicine are two very different disciplines and  I (Megan) insist on your own research of both .

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